Natalie Walters
Publisher: Revell
Date of Publication: April 11, 2023
Number of Pages: 320 pages

Lyla Fox knows she has a reputation at the SNAP Agency for impulsivity, but when she receives a threatening letter from a man she helped put in prison, she can’t stop herself from going all in to find out why he’s coming after her. Unfortunately, she’s going to need the help of the one person who questions her reckless choices more than anyone else.
Explosives and weapons specialist Nicolás Garcia agrees to help Lyla in order to keep her safe, but her recklessness continues to be a major concern, especially when her investigation into a conspiracy puts a target on her back. Dealing with bombs is dangerous. Working with Lyla is proving to be just as treacherous–to both the mission and his heart.
Natalie Walters closes out her SNAP Agency series with a bang with this nail-biting story of a deadly government conspiracy, an unlikely couple, and an ending that will leave you breathless.

Clueless Gent’s Rating for Blind Trust
Blind Trust is a Master Class on pacing, and it amply demonstrates how a somewhat formulaic novel can still be a fun read with edge-of-your-seat excitement! I’ve rarely seen this done better.
This is the final book in the SNAP trilogy, and I’m sorry that I did not read any of the previous books. However, I’m pretty sure that this one would be the best. This story closes out the adventures of Lyla Fox and Nicolás “Nic” Garcia, as well as the rest of the team at SNAP—Strategic Neutralization and Protection Agency. The team happens upon information about counterfeiting and military-grade arms sales by someone inside the federal government, and as they begin to investigate, people begin dying under suspicious circumstances. Then, Lyla finds herself in the crosshairs of the evil, faceless, and traitorous enemy they seek.
Lyla and Nic are fabulous characters that at times are polar opposites, and then at times exactly alike. That’s probably the main reason for their chemistry, as well as the enjoyment in reading of their exploits. Further, the remaining team members—as well as their spouses—add the perfect camaraderie for team dynamics. The team includes a Hawaiian character that I thought was hilarious, and I could just picture him in my imagination each time he uttered something funny.
I previously mentioned the pacing. That’s what really put this novel over the top for me. I rarely see such a masterful build to the climax, and then to keep the climax going for a number of pages. Something happens at about the halfway point of the story, and clear your calendar because you won’t want to put it down after that. I didn’t!
The arcs for the main characters are “okay” – but if I were to consider the overall transformation of the characters throughout the trilogy, I’d bet the character arcs would be fantastic.
I also said that the story was somewhat formulaic. That’s not a knock. There are formulaic stories out there because the formulas work! Sometimes authors use bare-bones formulas, but then some authors take the formula next level like Natalie Walters.
The story takes place in Washington D.C. I’ve read plenty of stories that include scenes in a Metro (subway) station, but this is the first story I’ve read that also mentions the slug lines the commuters sometimes have to endure. My wife used to do that when she lived in that area, and she used to tell me stories about it. Thus, when the author mentioned the unwritten “rules” for slugging, I just had to smile. Bravo Natalie Walters for that attention to detail!
To be honest, if I’d have known just how good this final book would be, I would have read the other books in the series first. However, I can attest that this story definitely stands on its own. Stories like this typically have some reveals to them, but this final book has what is probably the biggest reveal of the entire series.
I always read any notes an author includes after the end of the story. In this book, the author goes into what parts of the book are loosely based on actual events. I found it very interesting and I wouldn’t want any reader to miss out.
I very much enjoyed this book and the wonderful storyline the author created. I’ll likely go back and read the first two books to see how it all started. I highly recommend Blind Trust!

the Author

All 3 books in the SNAP Agency series
(Lights Out, Fatal Code, Blind Trust)
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One thought on “Blind Trust”
Outstanding review! I love how your enthusiasm comes through & you tell readers things that will make them add this to their TBR lists. I did! Thanks!