Welcome to The Clueless Gent’s Homepage
I am the Clueless Gent because the more I learn in life, the more I realize just how much I don’t know. This may seem like an oxymoron ~ and maybe it is ~ but it’s been a truth and a driving force in my life.
I haven’t quite decided whether it is better to know a lot about a little or a little about a lot. Nevertheless, my pursuit of truth, knowledge and wisdom seems never-ending.
In the realm of knowledge, I thank my mother and my teachers for instilling in me a love of reading. I adore fiction! It is my main mode of transport to other lands, other times, and other people. Real or otherwise, I take whatever I can from stories and characters.
In The Clueless Gent website, I hope to share my love of reading and offer a glimpse into my perceptions of the world around me. If you have the mind to do so, please tag along for the ride!
Beginning in 2021, The Clueless Gent is offering a Texas-Centric, Bookish Podcast. I highly recommend you check it out! The purpose of the podcast is to promote and provide inspiration for the joy of reading and writing – especially in Texas! There will be a writing/reading-related guest on just about every episode. We’re not afraid to ask the dumb questions.
(If you are the least bit concerned with how The Clueless Gent uses any information it may collect from you, please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information.)
Thanks for visiting.

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Tough Trail Home

Publisher: Black Rose Writing
Publication Date: March 27, 2024
Pages: 253
“Tough Trail Home is a delightful read about a family coming to terms with each other and their new lives.” –Pamela Stockwell, author of A Boundless Place
The Dunwhitty family is flying high until their carefully choreographed life falls apart during the 2008 Great Recession. Lisa’s firm goes belly-up while Michael’s shuts down after selling faulty heart valves. Desperate, Lisa insists they regroup by seeking refuge in rural Central Texas on land she inherits from a distant relative she barely knows.
It’s not the ranch Lisa remembers, but a ramshackle money pit. Michael and their teenage son, Andrew, despise the place. Only their young daughter, Jessica, is happy. After a bitter argument, Michael moves to the city. As his job search drags on, Lisa begins to plant roots; friendships develop for her and the children. With the help of Michael’s parents, her neighbor, and the remains of her savings, she begins to return the ranch to its former glory. The couple continues to drift further apart, Michael turning his attention to another woman.
A call from the sheriff’s department that their son is in custody jolts the couple to the core. Can they repair their relationship for the sake of their son? Or is it too late?