Simon and Schuster
January 26, 2016
December 15, 2016

Life can turn on a dime—or stumble into the extraordinary, as it does for Jake Epping, a high school English teacher in Lisbon Falls, Maine. While grading essays by his GED students, Jake reads a gruesome, enthralling piece penned by janitor Harry Dunning: fifty years ago, Harry somehow survived his father’s sledgehammer slaughter of his entire family. Jake is blown away...but an even more bizarre secret comes to light when Jake’s friend Al, owner of the local diner, enlists Jake to take over the mission that has become his obsession—to prevent the Kennedy assassination. How? By stepping through a portal in the diner’s storeroom, and into the era of Ike and Elvis, of big American cars, sock hops, and cigarette smoke... Finding himself in warmhearted Jodie, Texas, Jake begins a new life. But all turns in the road lead to a troubled loner named Lee Harvey Oswald. The course of history is about to be rewritten...and become heart-stoppingly suspenseful.
Rarely – and I mean RARELY – do I award five starts. And rarely – and I mean RARELY – do I embark on a book with over 1,000 pages! With that said, I do wish that I could award six stars for this novel, and I also wish that the story went on indefinitely!
This was the first King novel I’ve read in quite some time. I quit reading King’s books years ago basically because they scared the bejesus out of me! However, this one, for me anyway, was unlike any other of Mr. King’s books that I had read.
I’ve always enjoyed “time travel” stories. I think they’re fascinating. This one, however, is over the top. The premise of the story is utterly fascinating. The characterization is as rich and full as a cup of great coffee on a winter morning. I was completely hooked by the time I finished the first chapter.
If you have not yet read this novel, and it’s on your To Read list, I envy you! I wish I could erase it from my memory and read it for the first time all over again. Yes – it’s that good!
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