Publisher: Inspire Books
Date of Publication: July 11, 2017

This ninety-two-page gift book is a compilation of devotions, poems, prayers, and lists of things to be grateful for. The difference between having what you want and having what you need is a principle some people never grasp. In the reading of this book, you may realize you have much more to be grateful for than you were aware of. Use this little book as a daily devotional or pick it up at random times to remind yourself that you are a blessed individual.

Clueless Gent’s Rating
Gratitude: The Art of Being Thankful is the “Swiss army knife” of devotionals.
I can’t think of anyone who can read who couldn’t benefit from this little gem, regardless of their age, race, gender, religion or socioeconomic position. The wisdom contained in these pages is something that we all sorely need.
The Benefits of Gratitude: The Art of Being Thankful
Pretty much all art forms require a basic amount of skill. That is to say, they can be learned. This devotional shows us how we can learn to be grateful in so many everyday ways!
Vickie Phelps provides various examples of why we should not be anxious about those things we do not have, but rather be thankful for the things we DO have. If you read between the lines, you’ll likely discover that this simple yet profound concept is really the secret to a happier and more fulfilling life.
Each concept of gratitude is followed by a simple prayer. I like that. Another takeaway for me is the premise that unspoken gratitude is the same as no gratitude. I never really considered that before, but I doubt that I’ll ever forget it.
Technically Speaking
I can’t remember a single SPAG error. To me, that demonstrates the author’s commitment to provide pure content.
Overall, the book is nicely written, with spacious pages (plenty of white space), pleasing fonts and appropriate artwork. Actually, I can’t think of a single negative thing to say about this book. How often does that happen?
In conclusion, if I have not yet convinced you to pick up your own copy of this little treasure chest, consider the appeal of the wonderful book cover. This is one of the nicest book covers I’ve seen. It just screams get some warm apple cider and open me!
I highly recommend this book to everyone!

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2 thoughts on “Gratitude: The Art of Being Thankful”
Thank you for this great review. I love your comments about my little book, especially the one that compares it to a swiss army knife. Never thought about it like that, but I love it.
Vickie Phelps
What a fabulous review! Everyone needs a book like this to read and re-visit. Thanks for the post.