
One of my precious and few followers on Twitter recently tweeted about challenging people – non-bloggers being the target audience – to begin blogging twice a week to “get themselves out there” in social media.  I think that’s a pretty good idea, even for me.  But the challenge goes further than just that.

There are two rules for the challenge:

  1. Write something personal.
  2. Write (at least) 500 words, twice a week.

I’m not worried about the word count – I can spew 500 words during a coffee break – but the personal thingy has me intrigued.  I’ve been on Facebook for years.  I’ve been on Twitter (off and on) for years.  I’ve been on sundry other social media sites, as well.  However, in all of that time, with all of those sites, I rarely, rarely, ever got “personal” with my writing.  To me, this will be the most challenging part of this challenge.  I’m not really even sure if I can do it, and put myself out there, as the organizer suggests.  But I’ll give it my best shot and go from there.

If you are inclined to follow me on this personal journal, please follow along.

If you have the time and are interested, you can read the original article that started it all.  Besides, reading the original article is the only way you’ll find out what the “ORS” in #BloggORS stands for.   (Yes, I could tell you myself, but you should do yourself a favor and read the article by @lexberju.  She writes very well!)

Ready?  H-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-ere we go!!!


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