Publisher: Mulholland Books
Publication Date: July 16, 2024
Pages: 317

In this holy mess of a case for the “perpetual bad boy” (New York Times) sleuths in the beloved Hap and Leonard series, PI Duo Hap and Leonard investigate the untimely death of a woman whose family stood much to gain from her passing.
Minnie Polson is dead. Burned to a crisp in a fire so big and bad it had to be deliberate. The only thing worse is that Hap and Leonard could have prevented it. Maybe. Minnie had a feeling she was being targeted, shaken down by some shadowy force. However, when she’d solicited Hap & Leonard, all it took was one off color joke to turn her sour and she’d called them off the investigation. Wracked with a guilty conscience, the two PIs—along with Hap’s fleet-footed wife, Brett—tuck in to the case. As they look closer, they dredge up troublesome facts: for one, Minnie’s daughter, Alice, has recently vanished. She’d been hard up after her pet grooming business went under and was in line to collect a whopping insurance sum should anything happen to her mother. The same was due to Minnie’s estranged husband, Al, whose kryptonite (beautiful, money-grubbing women) had left him with only a run-down mobile home. But did Minnie’s foolish, cash-strapped family really have it in them to commit a crime this grisly? Or is there a larger, far more sinister scheme at work?

Clueless Gent’s Rating for Sugar on the Bones
Sugar on the Bones is an immensely fun, enjoyable, and highly entertaining read! To be honest, I’d have a hard time remembering when I enjoyed a book more.
The story continues the saga of Hap and Leonard, a private-eye duo, as well as Haps wife NAME. In this episode, they start investigating without even having a client. That’s because a woman who interviewed them, but didn’t hire them, was burned up in a house fire the following day. Something didn’t smell right, so they decided to look into it. As their investigation deepened, they had to add additional folks to the team, because they found themselves up against a very lethal group of bad guys (and gals). As they race toward the thrilling conclusion, they begin wondering whether any of them will be left when this is over.
If I had to use a single word to describe what makes this story significantly better than similar stories, I would have to say “banter.” The banter between these characters is often hilarious, but always clever. The banter demonstrates the utter cohesiveness of the team, and it makes the book so much fun to read.
“He knew how to play people. He could be whatever they wanted until he wasn’t anything they wanted.”
To say that author Joe Lansdale knows how to turn a phrase is a gross understatement. Further, each of these characters has such a distinct personality that it must have been quite fun to write about them.
I can’t imagine the pacing being any better. It was truly perfect! Between the ongoing banter and the perfect pacing, the reader is led into the climax with no escape routes. Sure, you can stop reading the novel, but by that time that’s not an option.
The timing of the climax is also perfection. It’s not elongated so there’s a chance to catch your breath, but nor is it so quick that you can escape the consequences. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a climax done better, and I’m pretty forthright when it comes to climaxes!
I previously mentioned how awesome these characters are. I’m considering reading the previous twelve episodes of this series just to see how the characters came to be as they are in this story. These folks are so lovable that it’s hard to be critical!
In a series like this, sometimes it’s hard to have closure on one story before beginning the next one. I can say that I had wonderful closure with this story, yet still have a small hope (“hope” real isn’t a good word, but I can’t think of a better one) of the story continuing in another episode.
Just in case you haven’t surmised the obvious, I highly recommend this story for your reading pleasure!

the Author

One thought on “Sugar on the Bones”
Love to hear you so gushy over a book. I love everything I have read by this author so will definitely be jumping in on this series.