First Editions

JULY 22 – 28



Clueless Gent’s First Edition Response

Image of first edition of The Fabulous Flight by Robert LawsonThe only book that I would love to have a first edition of is also the only book that I can still remember reading while I was in grade school. When I was in the fourth grade—and in spite of the fact that our school library was very small—I happened upon a book that I would never forget. It was a child’s fantasy story written by Robert Lawson. The name of the book was The Fabulous Flight.

The book was written in 1949 and it was published by Little, Brown and Company.

I didn’t know it at the time, but that book provided a spark to a life-long love of fiction. I remember being enamored with the main character, a young boy named Peter Peter Peeabody Pepperell III. He traveled on the back of a seagull named Gus. Oh, the places they went!

Robert Lawson photoThe author, Robert Lawson, actually earned his living as an illustrator.  It’s no wonder why the illustrations in this book are so wonderful. When I did a little research on Lawson, I was surprised to learn that he died exactly one week after I was born. A little more trivia: Lawson was a member of the first (and only) American Camouflage Corps during World War I and served in France. Their mission was to camouflage terrain so it would be unrecognizable from the air.

I’d like to thank Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer for coming up with this question for Book Blogger Hop.

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